Saffron Green Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Reception

Early Years Foundation Stage 

Welcome to EYFS

Our Early Years Foundation Stage consists of Nursery and Reception. We offer 15 and 30 hour provision and all children in EYFS can attend our wrap around care from 7:45-8:45am and 3:15-6pm. We enroll Nursery age children from the day after they turn three.

 Reception Timetable.pdfDownload
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Spring Term 2024

Reception have settled down exceptional well this term and have built positive relationships with their teachers and peers!

They have been engrossed in their learning this term focusing on themselves, their senses and their families. Reception are excited about their new topic next term which will focus on people who help us.  

Curriculum: We will learn about people who help us and have special visitors come to visit us to talk about their job and how they help people.

English: Reception will be focusing on a text called The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister and begin to identify parts of a book, describe and compare characters, role play stories, compose their own story orally and begin to write phrases using their phonics.

Maths: We have some exciting work to do in maths where we will connect quantities to numbers, identify missing parts for numbers to 5 using our adding skills. They will begin to learn about adding and subtracting. Then we will verbally count beyond 20!

PSHE: We will continue learning about our families and learn about how we can take on challenges!

P.E: We will develop our ball skills where we will learn how to move around, change direction and negotiate space. We will also learn how to dribble with the ball with our feet and skills needed to run with the ball in our hands.

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We use the platform Tapestry to record observations of our children to capture learning and progress made. Once your child has been created a profile on Tapestry, parents will recieve an email to create their own account. We aim to work in partnership with our parents and welcome our families to upload photos and videos of home experiences, to share this with our staff. Follow the instructions below on how to access your parent Tapestry account.

Early Reading

At Saffron Green we follow the systematic synthetics phonics programme, Read Write Inc.
Click here to find out more.

Reading for pleasure

To promote children's love of reading, children will visit our school library where a chosen book will be read to the class and children will take home a library book weekly. This is a book that may or may not be fully decodable but can be enjoyed with parents and family members as a book to read together.

Welcome to Early Years!

Autumn Term 2023


Look out for an update on the learning that will be happening in September! 

Everything we do in the EYFS is build around play. Playing helps young children’s brains to develop and supports maturity in their language and communication skills. It is important to recognise the crucial role that play has in early childhood development.