Saffron Green Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. History


 History at Saffron Green Primary School.pdfDownload
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Through historical exploration and investigation, our intent is for all children to understand their place in history and recognise how significant events of the past, shape and impact the world today. Our children are given the opportunity to discover British history and the wider world through chronological sequencing. Through a relevant and personalised curriculum, we provide children with a broad view of the world’s history that relates to their lives and heritage. This approach stimulates curiosity and exploration of the past, present and future. Through a range of exciting and innovative historical experiences, children are encouraged to have inquisitive minds and ask perceptive questions, giving them the skills to think critically and create judgements about the world and its history

 History curriculum outline EYFS - Year6.pdfDownload
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 History Skills and Knowledge progression.pdfDownload
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