Saffron Green Primary School

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Wellbeing for Families

Parent Workshops - 2024

 CWP Workshop Timetable Jan-March 2024.pdfDownload
 Parent workshop and gaming info.pdfDownload
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Children's Mental Health Week 2024 

Parental Resources: 

Current live resources:

  1. Tackling Sleep Problems in Children and Teens
  2. Supporting Your Child Through School Anxiety
  3. Improving School Attendance
  4. Child Mental Health & Wellbeing
  5. Parental Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mindfulness Activities for Families 

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World Mental Health Day 2023/24

Children's Mental Health Week 2023 

Ways to relax

10 mental health tips for parents - Follow our Top Ten Tips for supporting your own and your child’s mental health & wellbeing.

5 ways to Wellbeing - Click the link to go to the website for advice to improve personal wellbeing

Hub of Hope -   A leading UK mental health support database provided by the charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place using an easy postcode and subject search.

Help with sleep

The National Sleep Helpline 03303 530 541

The National Sleep Helpline helps anyone with sleep issues including adults, parents and young people. The helpline is available from 7pm and 9pm, Sunday to Thursday on 03303 530 541. 

Poor sleep can affect anyone and it can be a major stress for parents whose own sleep can be impaired by their children's difficulties getting to sleep, staying asleep or staying in their own bed, leading to greater stress.

Having a sleep issue is surprisingly common.  At any given time this affects up to 40% of adults and 50% of children (this rises to 80% with a SEND diagnosis). These problems are typically persistent and do not resolve themselves without intervention. Contact the National Sleep Helpline to nip sleep issues in the bud.

Developing a Growth Mindset

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