Saffron Green Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Year 3

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 

 Year 3 timetable - Spring 25.pdfDownload
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Year 3

Happy New Year!
Spring Term
We are so excited to continue our learning journey in the new year. This term, we will be developing our understanding of sculpture in Art and explore different sewing techniques in D&T. We will also be considering how Britain has changed throughout history, particularly through the Roman period. In Geography, we will be exploring climate zones - focusing our learning on Antarctica. I wonder if any of our class have read about Antarctica before? In Science, Year 3 will be starting the physics topic 'Forces and Magnets'. As a class, we will also be tackling new learning in MFL, PE and PSHE. Across the curriculum, Year 3 will be striving to make connections between their learning. Do any of you have any learning new year's resolutions?
In English this term, we will be using a variety of texts to develop our reading, writing and spelling. We will be starting the year by exploring the story 'The Enormous Morning'. This book has beautiful illustrations which we will be using to write setting and character descriptions. We will also be enjoying some poetry - using it as inspiration for our own writing.

In Maths, we will be building on our prior knowledge of multiplication and division. We will be exploring the arrays and other pictorial representations of these operations. The children will also be learning to apply the formal method for these calculations. Year 3 have been working hard on understanding worded problems in the Autumn term and will continue to develop this learning in the new year.
As a class, we will be exploring different forces. We will be planning and carrying out practical investigations to gain a deeper understanding of the forces. Year 3 will also be learning about magnets and their role in the wider world.
Below is a picture showing some of the highlights from the year so far!
- Visiting Author
- French Market Trip
- Sentence Demarcation Lesson
- Class Christmas Party